When I started writing this post, I was like ‘omg it’s october already’… Anyway my latest addition to Palm resource page - Wade’s Pilot Programming FAQ - seems to be about programming at first, but it is not. It contains a lot of other non-programming information too, especially links to other resources about palm software, original articles from author and other people. One thing that I found out about these pages today - the more you return to these pages, the more you learn something new. I did not notice link to Handheld Systems Journal previously. It mentions “The Handheld Computer Almanac™”, I have never heard of this. Attempted to google for this and it seems to be something rare, no traces of it on ebay, but amazon seems to have one lot of this item for the amount of money I am not quite ready to get it, at least not at this moment. But definitely it is something I would like to have. Also cdpubs contains an archive of Handheld Systems Journal, it was supposed to have excerpts in pdf format, but those links I tried are not working, probably it has something to do with copyright, not sure about that though, but wayback machine has not saved them unfortunately. The good thing still is that article titles and author are present, probably it is possible to source these somewhere else though, I hope so.